Vermont Simple House 1 is a variant of the design which won the Providence Rhode Island affordable, sustainable housing design competition in 2008. It is a small northern climate house with a traditional appearance and a very flexible plan. The core 1370 square feet contains all main living spaces including an efficient kitchen, pantry, the option of a ground floor laundry, communications nook for cell phone charging and mail sorting and up to three bedrooms on the second floor. The optional mudroom is a simple room off the kitchen door to provide additional space. The design also allows for an easy ground floor addition off the North side. There are several floor plan possibilities on the first floor. This house is designed to work well in existing neighborhoods or by itself as a small farmhouse. The design itself is timeless and can appeal to modern and traditional tastes. Above all it is simple which translates to lower building costs and better energy performance.
The design is easily adaptable to SIPs, ICFs or prefab construction. The house is detailed to easily exceed Energy Star standards of insulation using standard cold climate building science details. The specific framing, insulating, and air-sealing details included are for double stud wall construction, rain screen siding, un-vented super-insulated roof and similar state-of-the-art residential green building techniques. This is a means of construction easily understood by an average builder whether or not they have experience in super-insulated green building techniques.
The main footprint of the house is 20' x 34' plus porch and mudroom. The plans include an optional 10' x 12" back mudroom entrance to the kitchen. The plans include: floor plans, foundation plans and details, sections, elevations, trim, and porch details including Greek Revival exterior trim details with rake returns.
Purchase includes a SketchUp model and a limited amount of consulting time with Robert Swinburne, Architect. SketchUp is a free 3-D modeling program with an excellent viewer for smartphones and tablets. This allows the purchaser to gain a much fuller understanding of the design as well as show it to friends and family.
Please use the contact form to discuss or email robertswinburne@gmail.com